Keep It Clean Mate!!
As we head into spring and the slippery slope to the silly season; your skin is either going to be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you’re lucky, you’ve grown out of those teenage skincare problems like acne, but if you are still prone to irritation, breakouts and inflammation; your skin isn’t going to help you put your best F*ACE forward.
The key to great skin is to remember to wash your face properly every morning, evening and after exercising. Blokes generally have tougher, oilier skin than women so grabbing your sister’s or girlfriend’s products (…c’mon you know you do) isn’t the way. The good news is it is actually quite easy to do it right. Just follow our simple steps.
- Figure out what skin type you have - Wash your face, pat dry and wait five minutes. Rub a finger on your forehead between your eyes – now have a gander. If it feels oily, yep you guessed it mate, you have oily skin. If it is bone dry, you are going to be better off with anything which has sensitive on the label.
- Buy a Facewash and use it - Try washing your skin twice a day. It takes two minutes and don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you are now living the day spa life. A quick once over in the shower and after you work out and you will be rinsing off the dead skin cells and unclogging your pores.
- For the beardless - Wash before you shave and change the blade often. Dead skin cells trapped on the blade are just gross.
Your skin will love you for it.