Why would you rub toxins on your face?
Did you know that your skin absorbs in excess of 60% of what you rub on it? Most skincare products have petro-chemicals, acids and other nasties. Unless you’re The Joker, why would you want to rub toxins on your face?
If you want your skin to look its best – look out for products which have natural ingredients. As a general rule; if it sounds like you could eat it, it will go fine on your face. We like products like Kakadu Plum; Aloe Vera and Honey.
They sound good right? Here’s what they do for you:
Kakadu Plum – It is the Australian superfood which can save your skin. It is packed with anti-oxidants to repair the skin.
Honey – The nectar of the bees is famous for moisturizing the skin and turning tired party-hardened skin into baby fresh softness.
Aloe Vera – Aloe has been around for thousands of years (think pyramids, Antony and the ancient Egyptians) and it’s known for smoothing tired skin and keeping it clean.
So now you know.